Get Involved

USDN members have access to additional resources detailed below as part of the Resilience Hub Community of Practice. If you are interested in being an active partner with USDN and supporting Resilience Hubs in your community, please email us.

If you are already a USDN member or MOU-level partner, please use your passcode to access the Community of Practice resources within each of the pages below.

Resilience Hub Community of Practice

The ‘What’

Getting Started

  • USDN Resilience Hub White Paper
  • Introductory Video to ground within the Resilience Hub Concept


  • Understanding and acknowledging history as a prerequisite to action
  • Opportunities to shift power over time
  • Resilience Hubs as a means to build holistic community resilience and self determination
  • Principles from USDN’s NEXUS

The ‘Why’

Making the Case

  • Resilience Hub Return on Investment two-pagers by Foundational Area


  • Opportunity overview: dismantling broken systems, shifting power, and getting out of the response, recovery cycle
  • Perspectives on Resilience Hubs from community members
  • Support for making the case for Resilience Hub Implementation

The ‘How’

Prioritize with Community

  • Resources for centering human connectivity and adaptive capacity
  • Partner resources for hazard assessment
  • Content Area in Practice


  • Strategies to center humans in community asset and shortcoming mapping and assessments.
  • Using the three Resilience Hub Modes in planning
  • Centering human connectivity and adaptive capacity
  • Data sources and resources to support holistic, human centric needs assessment

Establish Project Team and Build Partnerships

  • Partner resources for community-led planning
  • Sample Community Engagement Presentation
  • Content Area in Practice
  • Opportunities around team building and identifying key partners
  • Principles for Partnership
  • Support for community-led planning and co-development processes

Identify & Evaluate Sites

  • Candidate Site Evaluation Tool
  • Guidance on Growing a Resilience Hub Network
  • Partner Resources for performance specifications
  • Content Area in Practice
  • Principles to guide candidate site selection, assessment, and prioritization
  • Opportunities to leverage a hub and spoke model
  • Key site audits and performance specifications

Identify Resilience Solutions

  • Resilience Hub Analysis Tool
  • USDN Five Foundational Areas one-pagers
  • Content Area in Practice

  • Breaking down Resilience Hub solutions into the five Foundational Areas
  • Strategies to ensure accountability to community outcomes

Develop Finance & Install Solutions

  • Resilience Hub Funding and Finance Platform and Support Document
  • Resilience Hub Metrics Tool
  • Funding and Finance Snapshots
  • Opportunities to secure funding and finance for Resilience Hubs
  • Resilience Hub metrics for success
  • How USDN members and partners have secured funding & finance for active Resilience Hub sites across regions

Activate Site and Operations

  • Resilience Hub Operations Manual Template
  • Sample partner Resilience Hub Operations Manual
  • Content Area in Practice

  • Pathways to support site activation within all three Resilience Modes
  • Guidance on developing a Hub Operations Manual.
  • Opportunities for community-led Site activation

All USDN Resilience Hubs materials are under Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-Sharealike 4.0 license (CC BY NC SA). This means reusers can distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format for noncommercial purposes only, and only so long as attribution is given to USDN. If you remix, adapt, or build upon the material, you must license the modified material under identical terms. USDN is using this license to maintain the integrity of the work while also sharing it widely and making it possible for people to continue to build and iterate. It may not be shared commercially. You may find more information about this license here.